I’m a scientist and educator using emerging technologies to improve the focus and mental health of teens.
Youth Mental Health Lab
I recently joined UTHealth Houston as an Associate Professor of Health Promotion & Behavioral Science. My lab is located at the Austin location. Our work sits at the intersection of psychology, education, and public health.
Finding Focus
With support from the U.S. Department of Education, my team has created a proven, cost-free tool to improve adolescents’ focus and emotional health. We’ve shared Finding Focus with 45,000 students across 100 schools.
Presence of Mind
A practical introduction to mindfulness & meditation
A key focus of my research has been discovering the most effective ways to teach mindfulness. I’ve learned that there are common obstacles and pitfalls that most people face, and that it’s helpful to have a crystal clear framework for developing an enjoyable and rewarding mindfulness practice. So I wrote a book that provides a practical, secular, and evidence-based introduction to cultivating mindfulness and using it to improve your life.
Michael Mrazek, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, School of Public Health, UTHealth Houston (Austin campus)
Visiting Professor, Department of Psychology, UT Austin
Co-founder, Center for Mindfulness & Human Potential, UC Santa Barbara
I love to connect with educators, scientists, and leaders who want to create better ways of supporting the mental health and well-being of today’s youth. Please address correspondence to michael.mrazek@uth.tmc.edu